University Press “St. Kliment Ohridski” Sofia, 2015
The emergence of a new textbook of neurology is no longer a surprise. In recent years many such manuals were issued. Typically, the difference is in the amount of the covered material and the dominating tendency is to have many authors who present a particularly large volume of information in certain fields of neuroscience. Thus the choice of a textbook on nervous diseases is rich, but difficult.
The proposed issue is characterized with its search to provide an optimal amount of knowledge in an accessible way. So it continues the tradition of the classical textbooks in neurology, but the information is refracted through modern concepts of neuroscience and neurorehabilitation.
The presentation of general and special neurology in separate textbooks is due to the dynamic development of the theory and practice in special neurology. However general neurology is conservative. It is the foundation or that most important first step, whose climbing is necessary to enter into the world of neuroscience. A good textbook on general neurology can not get old quickly, it remains the starting reference point in the modern information boom. It appears a necessary desktop and reference reading not only for neurologists, but also for a wide audience of specialists dealing with neuroscience.The present textbook meets these requirements, providing sufficiently the most important from the modern general neurology. Using data from this essential handbook one can quickly make connections with the multiple data sources for maximal details in the various fields of general neurology. The textbook retains the connection between different fields of neurological knowledge and prevents sinking and drowning in the depths of separate directions. In this educational manual we find innovations in the content and the presentation of the information.
The contemporary neurosonology is presented shortly, but maximally detailed and perfectly illustrated. Along with the latest innovations in the field of vascular pathology, neurosonology rises to a qualitatively new level certain areas of myology, neuroofthalmology, intraoperative navigation and even assists the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. A modern introduction to the study of the autonomic nervous system is presented. In the near future the progress in this field will give us a new understanding and opportunities for the diagnosis and treatment of different somatic diseases. A substantive contribution is the section on the study and evaluation of gait – normal and pathological.
In the textbook special attention is paid on neurorehabilitation – the branch of clinical neurology, which helps the patient with neurological disease and his family to return to real life. In the modern period of short hospital stay for clinical diagnosis and treatment in the active phase of the disease, booming of drug therapy and invasive treatment, even experienced professionals disregard the neurorehabilitation. This is a vicious practice that must be overcome still from the students “bench”.
The textbook consists of 264 pages and presents in a sufficient volume general neurology in accordance with the current educational programs in neurology. Each section is saturated with optimal information and is well illustrated with author`s color photos and schemes. The using of a special area for illustrations facilitates the relationship between figures and text. Especially helpful is the obligatory final summary of each topic with the so-called “Minimal required level of competence” (MRLC). It has a detailed and perspicuous contents and index, which are an efficient tool for the information sought.
The textbook is the work of respected physicians who are recognized experts in various health and academic institutions in Bulgaria and abroad, and the editor in chief Acad. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Titianova, PhD, DSc, has a remarkable academic career in several universities. This ensures concordant and consistent presentation of the neurological information in assent with the rich traditions of the Bulgarian neurological school. A warranter of the merits of this textbook on neurology are the reviewers – Prof. Dr. Lyudmil Mavlov, PhD, DSc, professor of neurology and neuropsychology and Prof. Dr. Hristo Chuchkov, PhD, DSc, professor of anatomy, histology and cytology. The final outcome of this textbook is achieved by the perfect printing execution of the University publishing house “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Sofia.
The textbook in general neurology is designed towards a wide audience with interests in neuroscience – students, physicians and specializing doctors in neurology and in physical and rehabilitation medicine, physiotherapists and healthcare professionals. It can be used by neurosurgeons, dentists, general practitioners, psychologists, psychiatrists and other specialists with interests in the field of neuroscience. Through its unique appearance and content the textbook fills a significant gap in the modern education literature as a contemporary practical guide on nervous system diseases.
All this allows me to recommend to interested students and professionals this textbook on nervous diseases. General Neurology.
Assoc. Prof. S. Andonova, MD, PhD, DSc
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